Monday, October 26, 2009

Lightroom 3

Adobe has made available a public beta of Lightroom 3 and I've been trying it out. The rendering or processing engine is supposed to be much improved, although I don't see very dramatic differences in my photos. This rainy afternoon photo uses two other new features that I do appreciate: improved noise reduction (had to shoot this at ISO 800) and custom watermarking. After carefully removing noise, I tried a third new feature, adding grain. Might seem crazy to remove the noise, then add grain, but I don't think so. The grain adds a rainy-day effect that is just what I wanted - and which is quite different from the effect of the original noise. And the add-grain sliders give me much control over the amount, size and "roughness" of the grain, where with the noise-removal sliders, I pretty much control only the amount. In this shot, there's a fair amount of small but very rough grain.

It's all in the eyes

Wish I could get to England in the next month. There's an exhibition at King's Place Gallery of the work of Jane Bown. She's the Jane Marple of photography: an unassuming but brilliant portrait photographer who has captured one killer photo after another for the last five decades - everybody from the Beatles to the Queen, including a great shot of Henri Cartier-Bresson, as well as wonderful photos of less distinguished subjects, like this shot of a child's shoes.

Bown's approach was the one I aspire to: “The best pictures are uninvited, they’re suddenly there in front of you…easy to see, but difficult to catch. Some people take pictures, I find them."

It's not unique for someone who started taking photographs in the 1940s or 1950s to have started with an SLR and a fixed-focal length or "prime" lens. Zoom lenses didn't become widely available until the later 1960s and even then, they generally weren't very good. What's remarkable about Bown is that she stuck with what she had all her life: a simple Olympus SLR and an 85mm f/2.8 lens. Does not seem to have held her back.


To compare great things with (very) small, I want to mention another photographer whose work I just stumbled on, Thomas Shahan. Shahan photographs bugs. Not my favorite subject, but I hasten to admit that I don't have Shahan's extraordinary gift for it. I'm not terribly interested in macro photography. I care little and know even less about bugs and flowers or any of the other minutiae that macro photographers are passionate about. But it's impossible not to be impressed by Shahan's stunning photos. Like Jane Bown and most photographers of people, Shahan focuses on the eyes - but how different those eyes are! Apparently he shoots now with a Pentax K200D. You can find his Flickr site here.